36th Annual Empowering Womxn of Color Conference
Featuring Roxane Gay & Tourmaline
Igniting leadership, confidence, and cultural strength amongst Black & Indigenous womxn and womxn of color

March 13, 2021 (Virtual)
The 36th Annual Empowering Womxn of Color Conference (EWOCC), “ Igniting Leadership, Confidence, and Cultural Strength Amongst Black & Indigenous Womxn and Womxn of Color” taps into our collective power to renew our spirits, minds, and hearts after this past year of immense challenges. We prioritize the safety, preservation, and nourishment within ourselves and between communities so we may continue to exist, resist, and thrive. Now more than ever we divest from compartmentalizing struggles and move toward the deconstruction of structural oppression that especially targets Black & Indigenous womxn.
As we continue our work to create anti-racist spaces, it is important to center the leadership of womxn of color, especially those affected most by the anti-Black and anti-Indigenous culture we resist today. We hold ourselves accountable for these realities and build resistance. This exclusion hurts the collective as the medicine, brilliance, and intuition of Black and Indigenous womxn is continually unheard, unseen, and un-nurtured. As world structures shift, it is crucial for humanity’s survival to return to mother earth and return to the innate knowledge within ourselves in order to uplift and empower everyone. We gather, with the means that the digital world allows, so our voices can speak their truth and ignite our power from within: to rise to positions of leadership, confidence, and overall strength.