Opening Ceremony
Wakan Wiya Two Spirit Drum

The Wakan Wiya Two Spirit Drum was founded by Indigenous Two Spirit women in the Bay Area with the manda to support Two Spirit Indigiqueer TG/GNC LGBQIA+ communities, their families, friends and allies. We support the return of Two Spirit peoples to Indigenous drum traditions where healing medicina is for all.
The Wakan Wiya Two Spirit Drum is the Drum in Residence at Xochicalli- House of Flowers: IndigeQueer Medicine and Healing, a community organization dedicated to creating spaces centering IndigeQueer community and offering BIPOC TG/GNC LGBQIA+ ancestral healing programming.
Follow us on IG @wakanwiyadrum
Closing Ceremony

Napaquetzalli is an indigenous healer and herbalist of Yaqui/Purepecha descent. She grew up in Southern California in a family of artists devoted to their ancestral practices. Being raised in a ceremonial way of life, Napaquetzalli has always been deeply in tune to her intuitive connection to spirit and nature. Napa has continued her studies of curanderismo and indigenous healing through the Ancestral Apothecary school in Oakland, CA, as well as training with renowned traditional healer Doña Enriqueta Contreras in Oaxaca, Mexico. She is a co-founder or Curanderas Sin Fronteras, a collective that provides wellness services to Latinx communities in the Bay Area and beyond. She studied Western herbalism at the California School of Herbal Studies in 2016 and has worked in herbal apothecaries for many years, most currently as a clinical herbalist and teacher at the Scarlet Sage Herb Co. in San Francisco. Napaquetzalli is committed to providing culturally relevant and accessible medicine to her communities and helping folks reconnect to intuitive and ancestral knowledge as a source of guidance. Her practice is rooted in self-healing as a method to decolonize our relationships to the earth, our bodies and each other. Learn more and book sessions at: